Day 11 – What I Am Trying to Understand

  1. Why, so far, are the only blisters on my thumbs from the hiking poles and not on my feet from the walking?
  2. Why do people not flush the loo when they use it? Once again, I came upon a “little smiling friend” that I wasn’t expecting…. Surely it is innate and reflexive – apparently not with Asian women – say no more….
  3. Why has Spain not yet adopted screw-top wine bottles; there were none for sale in the local supermercado. None whatsoever, even at the lowliest price-point.
  4. Why the local supermercado only sell wine with corks, but don’t sell corkscrews.
  5. How you can buy a local bottle of wine for €1.30, but a corkscrew from the store across the road costs €2.50.
  6. Why can Pakistan legally oust their President for dishonesty and non-disclosure, yet America cannot? Tick.  Tock.

Just another day in Paradise.  Dinner: Morcilla y Rabas.


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